One of the supermoms over at the 4 Real Boards posted this poem for me. I loved it so I had to share.
Names for Twins
By Alastair Reed
Each pair of twins,
Rabbits or dogs,
Children or frogs,
Has to have names
That are almost the same
(to show that they’re twins)
but are different too;
so here’s what you do.
Find double words,
Like Higgledy-Piggledy
(good names for pigs)
or Shilly and Shally
or Dilly and Dally
or Knick and Knack.
Namby and Pamby
are better for poodles;
Whing-Ding for swallows;
Misty and Moisty
and Wishy and Washy
especially for fish.
Call twin kittens
Inky and Pinky
or Helter and Skelter,
or Pell and Mell.
(It’s easy to tell
they are twins if their names
have a humdrum sound.)
Crinkum and Crankum
are perfect for squirrels,
like Hanky and Panky
or Fiddle and Faddle;
but Mumbo and Jumbo
Are mainly for elephants.
(Airy and Fairy
would never suit them.)
Willy and Nilly
will fit most any twins.
Hubble and Bubble
or Hodge and Podge
or Roly and Poly
Are mainly for fat twins.
Chitter and Chatter
or Jingle and Jangle
or Pitter and Patter,
of course, are for noisy twins.
Further than that,
there’s Harum and Scarum,
or Hocus and Pocus,
or Heebie and Jeebie,
but these are peculiar,
and have to be used,
like Mixty and maxty,
for very odd pairs…..
You see what begins
When you have to name twins
Great poem!
My father in law claims to have almost named my husband and his twin "Heckle and Jeckle."
Alice Gunther, at March 07, 2006 8:23 PM
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